I'm found out I'm not ovulating! In the past I'm used the trimestral injeccion, after 6 months of not period finally in go the first one in February, was a normal period, the blood was very dark but I'm considered was for the long time, but the quantity was normal and the days last, now this time I'm get on the 28 very weird just when wipe brown discharge, just when WHIPE, im have a 16 years old daughter, I'm wish to have a baby, my husband is dreaming about this too, and make me feel worst thinking Maibe is too late for me as I'm 38 years old! I'm have a miscarriage last year the baby Heart stop at 8 weeks😢 and after this the put me the injeccion the nurse said I'm have to let my body recover! Never explain to me about the second effects of this poison! Please if some one have a similar experience please share with me, I'm taken maca root, vitex and primrose oil, to help my hormones back on track, olso the check for menopause and nothing yet😚 is just this contraception mess up my body.