Need opinions on my situation...

Laura • 19 & pregnant ❤ 👪

Hey everyone,

I am currently 19 years old and will be 6 weeks tomorrow and my baby is due on 25th November.

I am currently living with my parents and my boyfriend of 5 years.

I have told my parents and in laws. My MUM said she thinks it to soon but if I choose to keep it she will support me. My DAD is totally against but also doesnt want me to go through an abortion because it may affect me in the future etc... My MOTHER-IN-LAW doesnt agree with abortion and says she will help. My MUMS BOYFRIEND also agrees to help.

But after all of this, I still DONT know what to do :( Please give some advice.

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Posted at
Your baby your decision. My thoughts on the matter, I have NEVER heard of anyone saying after their baby was born "Man, I really wish I would have had an abortion" but I know people who have had an abortion and then regretted it. You will never regret having a child, you may one day deeply regret having an abortion.


Laura • Mar 31, 2016
Thank you never thought of it that way! Thank you


Posted at
Honestly I think if two ppl r big enough to make a baby then they should step up and be big enough to take care of it. No matter if your 16 or 36 babies r a lot of responsibility and work but no one should have a abortion in my eyes cuz it was a choice you made and the only one being hurt by it is the baby. 


Posted at
Either choice will be with you forever. Either choice will have you wondering "what if…how would my life have been." Either choice will effect your relationship with everyone that knows about your pregnancy.Think about it deeply. Talk to your boyfriend and make sure he gives his opinion and doesn't just agree with you. Because your decision will change his life either way.I wish you the best. This is a VERY tough decision that a lot of people will never or have never had to make.


Posted at
I was 19 when I had my first. He is now 14 and one of the best people in my life. You will not regret having your baby. It will be hard at times but if you have people that will support you and help you out when you need a break you can do it!! I don't think abortion is the way to go. If you don't think you can handle a baby now go for adoption. There are so many people out there that can't have children. I really do think you can do it though.. I did!!


Posted at
You need to do what feels best for you. If you do not want to have this baby, do not want to care for this baby, and do not want to be a mother- an abortion might be the best thing for you. However, if you are unsure about it in anyway- I would advise against abortion. You seem to have a great support system which is great if you decide to keep the baby. 


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You missed the most important one, what does your boyfriend think about it?!


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All that matters is what YOU want to do :-) No matter what you will be supported.


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No one can advise you. I kniw people who terminated because she was too young and she and her bf (husband now for 17 years ) weren't ready. But lots of people have children young. K ow your reasons for either choice and talk it over with your bf.