Taken name

So I know this may sound crazy but I am devastated and would really like some other Mommy advice. Ten years ago I was thinking about baby names and made one up I had never heard before. I have since seen it on some baby names lists etc but have never meet anyone with the name. I was dating a guy about eight years ago for a number of years. Of course we talked about baby names and I told him the name that I had been in love with for a boy. I am no longer friends with him on Facebook but am still friends with his sister on Facebook. I knew that he and his girlfriend were expecting a baby. I saw from his sisters post that the baby boy was born a couple of weeks ago. Tonight I was sitting on the couch on my iPad looking at Facebook. Just scrolling through my news feed. I see his sister posted a couple of pics with the babies name. There is was the name I told him I wanted to name my baby boy years before. My stomach jumped into my throat, and I immediately just felt so devastated and heartbroken. I told my husband immediately since we had already decided if this little one is a boy that is the name we would use. My husband said well who cares we don't see them anyway we could still use the name. I just don't know what to do. It is true we don't see them however I am friends with about six of the same people on Facebook. I am fearful that if we do decide to still use the name it will look like we stole the name idea from them. Which is just completely false. Please help me, am I overreacting with pregnancy hormones? I just don't know what the best option would be. Since I don't even speak to those mutual friends in real life I have also thought about just deleting them from fb and using the name. However I am also fearful that the name would be tainted now. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading my novel lol!