Just an observation

I know this is going to strike some nerves but I just have to get this off of my mind. Why is it women who have had 3, 4, 5 children or more complain when they can't seem to get to their next pregnancy when there are women out there who hasn't even had their first? I personally find it insensitive to scream infertility when you already have half of a baseball team! I don't care what anyone says, you don't truly know how it feels to be infertile until you have tried for years to have just one child with no luck. Secondary infertility only covers those who have struggled to have one child and then lapse back into that state of ttc a second child with the same no luck as the first time around. If you have had children with no problems and then hit a brick wall trying for 4, 5, or 6, for those of us whom truly are infertile, you are not infertile!

Rant over take it how you like