Coming off Mirena, haven't had a period and I'm scared I can't conceive!

Kathleen • Due with #2 June ‘19! Big brother Leo excited to meet his sibling. Previous struggles with loss and infertility due to PCOS. Excited this pregnancy is healthy so far!
Ive always had irregular cycles except when I was on the Nuva Ring. I switched to an IUD 2-3 years ago because I thought it would be more convenient, but my cycles stopped altogether. Though I had frequent and unpredictable spotting. Now that my husband and I want to get pregnant, we had the IUD removed September 4th and I STILL haven't had a cycle, nor can I predict when my next one will be!
Needless to say, this had made predicting my ovulation schedule impossible and I'm really nervious that I won't be able to conceive naturally. I have had spotting a couple times but nothing close to an actual period.
Any hopeful Mom's out there experiencing the same thing?? I thought getting pregnant was supposed to be easy!