This Facebook thing, got me thinking too much

Ever since I got pregnant I have all these people who already have kids adding me (people from high school or family who either never added me or did and then deleted me because I wasn't a Mom yet I'm assuming). I'm not saying I mind, I feel like I'm now accepted into some secret Mom's club or something👶🏻😎, but it does kinda make me irritated because I feel like they are only adding me because I'm pregnant now and they have kids. If I wasn't good enough to be added years ago, or they deleted me, why add me now? What's the point?  
Has this happened to anyone else ? Maybe I'm reading too far into it , is it just because we have the "Mom" thing in common now ? 
I hardly ever post on Facebook anyways, so it really isn't a big deal but I've been getting new friend request almost daily now. Just had me thinking. Sorry if this isn't right room to post in ! 
Anyways, what do you guys think ?