This is going to sound whiny and attention seeking

But I feel like everyone I love always puts someone else before me. things haven't been the same between me and my bff since I went away to college. When I started coming home for breaks and stuff she would be like "omg I miss you! Let's hang out!" But when I would try to make plans she'd be like "sorry I'm already hanging out with___!" Like what the hell...and even my grandparents. I always check on them and hang out with them when I don't have class, but they just think I want money. It's pretty obvious my cousin is the favorite (they even have a little shrine to him in their bar). I'm just so tired of being everyone's last choice. Thank God I'm an only child or my parents would probably have a favorite who isn't me. I told my freiend I really needed someone to talk to right now but she said "sorry I have plans" I'm just so done and I have no one to talk to