need some advice!

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I've gotten so depressed recently and anxious. Anything can cause me anxiety and I've been having a lot of anxiety attacks. I will wake up in the morning and I can tell that by the end of the day I will breakdown and cry at least once. I don't wanna get out of bed, it takes me a lot of energy/effort to get simple tasks done. I feel so alone and like there's no point in talking to anybody about anything because it hasn't helped before and letting myself be vulnerable with people gives them the chance to hurt me. Almost every thought is negative and I just don't feel like myself anymore; like sort of disconnected. It feels like I've given up or lost hope or something and I can't seem to get myself motivated for anything anymore. And the worst part is that I feel as if no one actually gives a damn, including the people who are apparently "there" for me. I see a therapist but I don't always feel better after appointments and I tried telling my family and close friends for support and they just kinda brushed it off. I've tried just doing things that make me happy, but it all feels like a distraction hiding the feelings that overwhelm me and cause me anxiety, yet I can't tell what's even causing me this much suffering. I've been feeling empty and just numb. It's gotten worse over the past year. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do?