Please help me

I'm in a really rough and conflicting situation. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, I'm 22 weeks pregnant and now he wants to give up on me bc he thinks I'm too jealous and insecure and blah blah. I can see where he can get that bc I can be jealous at times and we all have insecurities but it seems like instead of trying to fix and eliminate the problem he just blames me and continues to do what he wants. My parents hate him, and to this day want me to get an abortion and are offering to pay for it bc they don't want me being his "baby mama". He already has a 3 year daughter he doesn't see too often and when I first got pregnant he basically sold me this huge dream of us being happy and having a plan and making everything work bc he didn't want to end up like his last situation. Yesterday he took my house key and basically kicked me out, I went and moved all my stuff into my grandparents house. (I live in Ohio, my grandparents live in Michigan and my parents in Florida) now he's saying that I can stay there but we aren't gonna be together just living together to make it work for the baby and easier financially. I don't know what to do I'm so stuck. I'm already kind of attached and excited for my baby girl have name and was planning a baby shower but my parents won't let me be with them unless I get rid of the baby. What should i do what would you do 😞 staying with my grandparents isn't an option.