28 weeks and 4 days

Ok so for a few days now what i think are braxton hick's, well today i was in so much pain my husband keep asking if i was ok. Here is what i am needing to know when is it a real contractions over a fake one. I also have been feeling like throwing up but around four when i wake up from finally getting rest from the pain, i got what felt like a contraction so i timed it it lasted about 35 to 40 second then back pain started to fade, i went to move and my inner thigh area hurt so i couldn't put them back together for some time. Any thing will help next time should i got to the hospital or is this just my body's way of saying look this is just the beginning start resting more. Please anything helps. I have only had one baby and that was 9 years ago and i don't remember any of it but the after math of joy i had when i seen my son for the first time.