Is this contractions?

So I think I might have been having contractions yesterday. I go to the doctor in 2 days and it's an hour and a half away so I don't wanna go in for nothing. I'm waiting for them to call me back now. I'm only 34+3 (always measured 2-4 weeks bigger) so it worries me. Anyway here's what happened. It hurt so bad ( on a scale of 1-10 id give it a 7) in like my lower belly and sometimes by back that I had to stop what I was doing and like hold onto something and breathe through it it would last about 15 20 seconds and then be gone and my belly was rock hard all yesterday evening and I didn't time it cause I didn't know if that's what it was but if I had to guess, From probably 5-7pm it would happen every 30 minutes and then from 7 to like 10pm or 11pm it would happen like every 15-20 minutes and it happened once when I went to bed but that's it. It hasn't happened yet today.