
I'll try to be short. I had my first baby shower 6 years ago and my SO mom is throwing my shower in May. This is their first grandchild (of course they treat my daughter as their own) 
So today she texted me saying I needed to add to my registry and that people asked her. I don't get what people want me to add! I have everything I want on there. A bunch of small stuff like bath towels, bath wash, pacifiers, wipes, etc. Cheap but essential.  I explained how with my first I only put one set of burp clothes/receiving blankets on there and got SO MANY, so many I never used them all. I'm assuming people will buy bibs and those items off registry. Well when I explained this to her, she got upset and said "sorry forget I said anything." This got me really upset. I wasn't trying to be mean or rude. I told her that. I just would rather someone get us bottles over tons of burp cloths. This was all in text message. But her comment made me get upset and I've been crying like a baby. Am I overreacting?! 😫 The last thing I want is stress to his mom and I relationship. I told her I appreciate her help. And after I told her I wasn't trying to be mean so please don't take it that way, she never wrote me back! Ugh.