So is anyone else feeling like total crap since you've hit the 3rd Trimester??

Nicole • 26 years old and due in May with baby boy #3 💙💙💙 Been with the love of my life for 10 years and married for 4 ❤️
I've had such a great pregnancy.. Up until 31 weeks! Now I'm so exhausted.. I Just want to sleep and not move at all! I found out that my baby has dropped at my 29 week appointment and ever since my hips are killing me. Constantly getting lighting crotch. That literally stops me in my tracks. I was walking every day but between my hips and crotch pain it's been much harder to get the motivation! This is baby boy #3 for me and I seriously don't remember ever feeling like this with the other two. I had my other 2 at 38 weeks and my dr thinks with how this pregnancy is going I'll have this one early too! Which is fine with me lol not too early but I would be happy with 38 weeks again haha Sorry for the long vent 😉 just needed to chat with someone that relates! My hubby just doesn't understand! 33 weeks today so not much longer... Not much longer! 😁

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