I feel miserable in my relationship

Okay so please no judging I am 16 I've had a boyfriend for 9 months. Lately I feel like I want out of this relationship. He didn't do anything for me to feel this way. I know I'm young & shouldn't tie myself down. I just feel like I fell out of love. I really did like him towards the beginning it felt amazing. But now not so much. We have our bad days and just tension now that we're further into the relationship. He also said he wants to get married & I had plans for it towards the beginning of the relationship now my reaction is just "yo chill b I'm just fetus". He's 18 he also just wants to stay home and do nothing that's not me I want to go out have fun & anything but stay home. I also don't feel good enough to be with him I just want to be single honestly. I really don't need a boy to be happy I'm the person that can make themself laugh. I have better times with friends than my boyfriend. I also don't like his friends but that's a completely different story. I would like to break up with him but my birthdays in 2 days.. Should I wait? Like I don't know & can someone give me advice on how to break up with him?