I need to vent..****update****


I posted about this.. But something has changed this pass week. Every day this week he has gotten up early with the kids getting them fed dressed and ready for school he has done dishes before going to work and let me sleep in. He has been coming home and putting his phone on the charger. Idk what happened but I love it. And tmi we have made love 3 times this week. Thanks everyone for the advice. This is the man that I feel in love with..i havent really changed anything..just trying to express how much i love him as much as i can. One happy mama here. Our anniversary is next week and we are getting a hotel and getting away for a night. :)))

Its about my husband. Our marriage I feel like its falling apart. He comes home from work and is on his video games on his phone til he goes to bed. He doesnt help me with anything. Im doing everything. I cant get him to do anything with me. He seems so unhappy but he denys being unhappy when I ask him. I would do anything to make him happy. I have been trying to find a job but thats not working out. He lost his mom 6 months ago. He hasnt grieved that at all.. His dad passed away 4 yrs ago. He has no support from any other family, or friends. Im all he has and I feel like Im failing as a wife as a friend. He wont talk to me at all. He is already on anti depressants and sleeping meds to help. He wont see a counselor. We argue a lot. There is too much silence. I had my mom keep our kids so we could have a night alone. We ate dinner then went home and he was on his phone til I couldnt stay awake anymore. He doesnt see what this is doing to us. And I dont know what to do. He would never choose me over video games. Im sorry this is so long. We have been together 7 yrs. Married 3 yrs on the 21st. :(