My birth story

Gabrielle • 24 years young expecting baby #2😊
I was due 3/29 but on 3/28 at 4:45 am I woke up to a pop! My water broke in the bed I had no contractions. I called the midwife I showered and went to the hospital. On the way to the hospital contractions started. I got to the hospital at 3cm. I wanted to go natural so that's what I did. Getting in and out the shower to ease pain. I was stuck at 3cm for hours. Midwife wanted to start pitocin I refused it. I walked and by 12 noon I was 6cm. The pressure gotten so bad I couldn't lay or sit by 2 I was 9 cm. I got into the birthing tub! It was the most warm relaxing thing I could have done!by 2:30 I started to push. Had my BABY GIRL 45 minutes later! I was so surprised as we didn't know the sex!!! I'm so in love! This was my second child birth experience. My first born I had epidural bed birth. Jaycee Skylar born 7pounds 11 oz and 23" long