30.5 weeks and in labor HELP!


I know this is in Birth Stories group, so I posted here to get some help from you Moms who have delivered. This is a long post, but I would REALLY appreciate your help!

I woke up at 4AM with contractions that were pretty painful. (I did not have contractions with my first -my water broke with no warning and I had back labor at 39.5 weeks) By 6PM, they were still going on so I called my doctor and he told me to go into Labor and Delivery. I got there and my contractions were every three minutes for 60 second long. They hurt! At times I was crying on the table.

The doctor had to give me medication to stop the contractions. I wasn't dilating much, but my cervix was softening. I was then discharged and sent home with more medication and put on bedrest to try and stop the contractions.

So now I am home, still having contractions, taking the medication, staying off of my feet as much as I can (hard to do with a 18-month-old running around and a hubby who works full-time), abstaining from orgasms, drinking lots of water, peeing as much as I can, taking hot showers to help with the pain, etc. All of which were doctors orders.

This is my second time being on bedrest during this pregnancy. I am very fit, great pre-pregnancy weight, healthy, had absolutely no complications during my first (not even stretch marks), never any drugs, alcohol, or even caffeine. At 24 weeks, I was leaking fluid (not amniotic fluid), had two vaginal infections, low blood pressure due to baby resting on arteries, as well as a sinus infection. He was very low, in the birthing position, and putting pressure on my cervix, so I was given medication for the infections and put on bedrest for three weeks.

At 28 weeks, it was discovered that I have a WAY overabundance of amniotic fluid. This is no health complication for me, or baby, just a HUGE discomfort as I feel him kick ~50+times/hour and more uncomfortable braxton hicks.

I am 31 weeks now and am trying hard to make it to at least 36 weeks (considered full-term by my OBGYN).

I am asking for help and advice please:

Besides taking pain medication, breathing, and having hubby rub my back/hips, what are ways to relieve the pain from these contractions?

Those who have delivered at 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36 weeks (please state how far along you were), what complications, if any, did you AND baby have?

-Birth defects, NICU stay, 100% healthy, lasting problems, resolved problems, vaginal birth, etc?

What things can I do to help avoid contractions (if possible) that I am not already doing.

*Reminder, these are not braxton hicks, they are pre-term contractions and were every three minutes for 60 seconds.

Thank you!

(From USA)