Mental health

I just feel like I can't even get out of bed. I should be studying for an exam at university. I'm failing my classes. I am a homeowner and am so overwhelmed by the housework that needs to be done. I'll clean for hours but it seems like I've accomplished nothing. I feel like I don't care about school... I am so overwhelmed that I just say nope and stay in bed all day. I will tell myself "I will get up in one minute" and then an hour, two hours has gone by. I'm 11 weeks pregnant. I am really excited and happy for this baby. My husband and I have been together since 2011, and married in 2013. I don't feel depressed, I don't think. I just can't concentrate at all. I'll go to class and will be thinking of a conversation I had in 11th grade with someone, like things that don't even matter. And then I'll try and reign myself in but a couple minutes goes by and I'm totally distracted. I keep saying get up and do something, don't quit. But today has been the worst. I have been in bed since 1. I feel like I just want to erase this semester. It's been a waste of time and money. How am I going to function as a mom if I cat get my butt up. Please, advice, shared experiences, encouragement. Anything. Thank you.