Having second thoughts 😔

So me & my sister in laws mom are really close. Recently so many things have been going on with me & I tell her everything. I stopped going to school. I started over eating. Having an attitude & argue with my friends on snapchat & out of no where be jealous & that's why I argue with them. When I do go to school I cry for the whole day. I cry a lot when I'm home. I started throwing fits over things as simple as doing my makeup wrong & I'll draw all over my face with eyeliner. I convinced myself one night that I was going crazy & that I needed help. I don't sleep at night so I'll stay awake until 4 am & then sleep until past noon & I'll stay tired & sleep all day. I've been getting so mad that sometimes I'll say "I feel like sitting in the middle of the road" "I hope I get hit by a car". & she came up with "you need hormones". Because I also don't get my period on time at the same date. So this week she's helped me so much with making a doctors appointment & she can't wait until I start feeling better but I am having second thoughts. My appointment is this Wednesday the 6th. I read that it stops you from ovulating & it scares me because I never wanted to ever be on birth control for that reason. It controls your body & stops your body from being natural & ovulating so I'm getting upset because honestly I don't care & I love not getting it on time. I love that I get pimples. I love that I get achy & a little crampy. I love that I get headaches & super cranky & moody. I love that I get stuffy noses & I get super bloated & eat literally everything & cry a lot. I love that I get backaches. I don't want that to be controlled & have it stop me from ovulating. And control when I get my period. I rather unexpectedly feel like shit for my regular 5 days. I know that it stops you from getting pregnant. I'm 17 yes I've had sex but so what if I get pregnant. It's not an accident. God just has other plans for us. But literally she's done everything for me & I don't know if I want to do it now. 😭 I really need help. I don't want the pill to ease my cramps & get rid of my acne. I rather have all that. As crazy as it sounds. I need help. Please tell me what I should do. I'm stuck. I just never really believed in birth control.Â