What should I do?

 I started a long distance relationship with my boyfriend about a month ago and everything was going well. We talked all the time and we were extremely happy, but then, the honeymoon phase was over. He lives almost halfway across the country so most of our communication is through the phone but recently he decided to come surprise me. 
Most girls, I feel, would be ecstatic about this. "How romantic" and whatnot. But a couple weeks before this I had mentioned to him that I felt a bit smothered. Having to call him every night to basically sit on the phone for hours talking about nothing felt like more of a chore than something I wanted to be doing. I'm the type of girl that is very laid back. I don't make plans. I don't use my phone often, things like that. And I had told him that long-distance will be good because I won't see him all the time so I won't get tired of him. (In a nicer way obviously) 
So after telling him that, I guess he thought it was a good idea to buy a plane ticket, a hotel, and rent a car to come visit me. Now I feel extremely overwhelmed. I'm completely uninterested in clingy men, but I don't know how to talk to him about this. Especially since he lives states away and we can only communicate over the phone or Skype.
The thing I feel the worst about is I've been told a guy likes me and it gives me butterflies and feelings I haven't had in a while and I want to act upon it and hang out or go on a date with this guy but I don't know if it's wrong to while I have aboyfriend. I've had people tell me it's only wrong if I hook up with him and others say it's all wrong. So, I'm just in a huge pickle and honestly just needed a place to vent. If you have any comforting advice please help! 
Also sorry if this was a mess. My mind is a complete mess right now.