Crazy blog 😊 Happy reading

Ok, I've decided to start writing a blog seeing as though I'm tired of feeling hostage to my emotions..
For 9 months now, the OH and I have been TTC. During that time, I can't even begin to imagine how many mum2b and advice forums I've visited, or even how many symptoms I've chased up with the much loved, Dr Google! According to Dr Google I should either be pregnant with octuplets by now, or should be running to the A&E demanding to be seen lol! Never a middle ground 😉
At present, I'm starting to question whether the problem is not my "fertility or ability to conceive as such", but whether we're simply missing my fertility window completely? My OH suggested that maybe I'm ovulating DURING my period, seeing as though I have such irregular cycles!? 😐 
Seems probable I guess... 
However, if one more person, especially someone who's already experienced motherhood in its purest form tells me "To stop trying, don't think about it, or to just let it happen", I think I'll have a felony on my hands lol! I've tried relaxing, tried putting it to the back of my mind, but every niggle, slight feeling of sickness, back ache, sore boob or mild cramp sends me crazy.. I think I want it that bad, gas may constitute as a sign these days lol 😂 
And so the journey continues 😊 .....