Bottle vs boob

Allison • 26. Married for 4 years. 22mo 👦🏼. 1 angel baby 👶🏼. 🤰🏼🌈 due in Nov2018
Okay to start off my son was 3 weeks early (no health issues-came out at 7pounds15oz) he started off well on the boob but when my milk came in..AND BOY DID IT COME IN..3 days later he does not seem to latch as well. I've tried heat packs,pumping before, and expressing but nothing seems to help him. He will latch after some fussing and a firm help from me but he gets so frustrated. He latches for a suck or two then unlatches..latches then unlatches & falls asleep within 10-15 minutes (he is a super sleepy/calm babe). We went to the pediatrician and baby has lost another 10oz. The doc doesn't seemed concerned and said to try more pumping and bottle feeding. Baby does AMAZING with the bottle and will eat over 2oz each feeding. He just seems to get so much more. Im at this point- do I continue on the boob or just move him to pumped bottles? I feel so torn over this so any advice would be great!