I just found out what my husband did. Please help!

So we just upgraded our phones. I'm selling his old one so I was deleting everything in there and I've never looked through my husband's phone, ever! I decided to take look on his messenger for one last time.. I saw some girl I've never met so I clicked it and found something so unbelievable! I've already confronted him. It's almost 1am here and I'm heartbroken and worried about this, my family issues that just happened last weekend and work tomorrow oh and were suppose to go to a 1 month vacation for him to meet my family. We got married 2 years ago. Anyways, he's been talking to this girl who he claimed he met from one of his friends.. First the conversation was fine until they started flirting, she obviously knows he's got a wife! But hey., so they were sending each other flirtatious texts and then she sent him smiley pics and whatever stupid pics and he replied with "cutie" "sexy". I could not believe what I saw! They planned to meet up days ago for a "coffee".. He doesn't even drink fucking coffee! Anyways, I called my husband who was at work and said "who are you meeting tomorrow" he played stupid but you could hear the nervousness from his voice. He was like "what do you mean" and I repeated "who are you meeting tomorrow" and he's like "my friend, "he" and I are gonna go cart racing" and I send him a pic of her that he "liked" and I said "she" simply doesn't look like a "he" and then it was over. He fracked and was so nervous on what to say. He didn't know what to say. Tried to tell me they were just meeting for coffee. He said he had "no bad intentions" can you believe this?! Seriously? A married man calling a girl sexy and cute and plan to meet up for coffee even though he doesn't even drink coffee has no bad intentions?? He also never ever had lunch with me during the week be haze he's so busy at work but he can spare some time with this bitch?! Please tell me I'm not over reacting because I'm going to lose my shit! He works nights this week and this asshole is gonna play me like this? I can't even! I am so pissed! You know, just last weekend, we were cuddling early melting and I told him that "he's the best thing that's ever happened to me". He got caught at something like this before but just liking a girl's pic and etc., but here we go again down this damn road. What's worse is that I moved to a whole different country for him. This was all I ever wanted, a family. I wanted his babies and just to be a faithful and good wife and this happens! 2 more days and were suppose to go for our month long vacation so he can meet the other half of my family! I also had major family dramas last weekend and just took my exam today so I'm so stressed! I can't believe this! I can't trust him! I've forgave him the first time but this, seriously going to meet with a bitch?! I just can't! I'm still going to school so I have nothing for myself but divorce isn't easy and I'm still young and I shouldn't put up with this bullshit! Right now I think I'll study for the advancement, get in the military and bye. I can't imagine staying. I just don't know. I never saw this coming! I also didn't message the girl with angry messages. I wanted to hear her side like I heard his so hopefully she cooperates. God bless me.