Precum and pregnancy😳

I'm a teen I'm actually really scared to ask because I see how mean ppl can be on here. I recently had oral sex with a guy..mainly becuz he didn't have a condom but we had already taken the time to meet so we decided to please each other orally. He I am sure at least had to have touched the shaft of his penis while I was.. Yanno. My hands also touched the shaft but towards the end I removed my hands and wiped them on my pants. As it was his turn he like took a finger and like swiped down the middle to like get any wetness I had. He also wiped his hands. I am scared that his Precum could have gotten onto my baking and can make me pregnant. My period is due in a week according to the app and I am really worried. I have anxiety about things like this because I am a good child. When I have sex I always use protection with trustworthy guys (same guy I have always had sex with) since I lost my virginity. Everyone says it's possible or that pee kills/flushes it out but then others say that they have gotten pregnant or that it's not possible. Any guidance on this would be great as I am really worried and don't want to be judged or end up with disappointed parents. Please help.