Bleeding at 20 Weeks pregnant.


Sorry its a bit long...

I'm a bit worried and I'd like to know some of your experiences with stuff like this. I had sex last night and then went to pee. When I was in the toilet peeing blood came gushing out of me. I'd say 1 or 2 soup spoons full of blood. We called the hospital just to be sure and they said to come to get checked. They checked the heartbeat and it was a nice strong beat at 155bpm. They said to call my doctor today and get checked or to come back if it worsened or there was any pain associated. Well this morning my pee was red, when I whipped there is still quite a bit of bright red blood, more that what I would considered spotting or the first few days of period, less than whipping full on my period. I will call the doctor in a bit but I know she'll be only available in the afternoon, so minimum wait is 3 to 4 hours. Has anyone happaned the same after sex? Can you please let me know? Thanks