Breast fed in public for the first time!

So I successfully breast fed one of my twins in public today for the first time ever. In the doctors office waiting room. Without a cover. I was really nervous and scared. I was scared he wouldn't cooperate and it would be a disaster. I was also scared someone would confront me and say something rude. BUT neither of those things happened. He latched right on, no issues. And STAYED latched on! Woo hoo! Also no one confronted me. I got a few odd looks and double takes. Like they've never seen anyone breast feed before. One older lady did come up to me to tell me how cute my babies were. And how ever since she became a grandma she's obsessed with babies 😂 it was cute. The whole experience was a bit of a confidence boost. I am very proud of myself, and my sweet baby boy. We both did awesome. Now I am no longer afraid to breastfeed in public, as I shouldn't be. And no other woman should be either. I think I was just afraid because I had never done it before. How did your first time breastfeeding in public go?