Scheduled C-Section question


So with my first pregnancy I had to have an emergency section, ended up almost bleeding to death because of placental abruption and my baby boy was stuck in the birth canal, and had a failed vacuum attempt. Anyway, this time around they pretty much told me I have only a 30% chance of vaginal delivery so it may be in my best interest to just go ahead and schedule a section so I don't have all of those complications again. I am new to scheduled sections and was just wondering what all it entailed? Do I get to see my baby immediately afterwards, or do I have to wait 4 hours like I did with and emergency section? How long were you in surgery? Do they put put you to sleep to sew you up like they did with my emergency c-section? I just want to be very prepared this time around.

Sorry for the long post, and thanks for any and all comments.