Feel like a single parent just need to rant

Ugh I feel like a single parent I have a 2,4,&7 year old and I'm 36 weeks pregnant. I am not single is the problem. I am a stay at home mom the 4 year old has autism the 2 year old has sleep anxiety and the 7 year old is a typical 7 going on 17 year old girl. I deal with everything from the house hold chores to the parenting and I understand that he works and provides financially but my SO is so hateful when it comes to the children he barely has to do anything when it comes to parenting yet acts like he is so burdened when he has to be present during one of our two younger children's episodes says things like they are pieces of shit and they are messing up our relationship that they are fucked in the head etc. I am at my wits end and on the verge of leaving I can't let him continue to act this way towards my babies no matter how much I love him its not ok I'm just so lost that its come to this and don't know how he can act that way towards his own child maybe its the hormones maybe I'm over reacting just feel to the core of me that this is wrong and I need to do something about it