Trying to decide

I'm due may 3rd with my first. I'm sure some of will understand how done I am with being pregnant. Well, my doctor said that if I want to he can induce me and I can have her as early as the 26th. That made my day. I hadn't really thought about bring induced but now that the option is there its so tempting! What would you do?
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Posted at
Let me just throw out there Pitocin (used for inducing) is NOT your friend. Labor was a lot worse with Pitocin vs. without


Sara • Apr 10, 2016
I personally would not do the pitocin again! I felt it took way longer than it should have and ended up having csection after 27 hours to get to ten and then pushed for two hours....nope not this girl


Lindsey • Apr 9, 2016
30 hours of labor WITH my water broken. Hell on earth


Katie • Apr 9, 2016
I was induced with my first with Cervadil not pitocin but I would not recommend it. I was in labor for a whole night with no meds, then after they broke my water I went into full blown labor which lasted another 6 hours. let that baby come when ready.


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Please don't induce due to the discomfort.. The baby really needs to grow and develop as long as he can.


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No way. 33% of inductions end in C-section. 


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First of all, you have to decide yourself what the best option is for you. You have moms that will push natural no matter what, and you have moms that have had positive inductions and will say go for that option. Doctors are not allowed to even schedule an elective induction before 39 weeks anymore without being fined, which is when your doctor is allowing you to be induced if you choose. I've had 3 inductions, all with the "evil" pitocin...two after 39 weeks with ZERO complications, that were super easy and short, (6.5 hrs and 2 hrs 51 mins respectively), and one that was medically necessary at 35 weeks due to broken water at 34 weeks. I would definitely opt for induction again if given the option...but that's my personal choice based on past experience with positive inductions. Natural can be a wonderful option...if that's what you want, but so can being induced...and don't let anyone make you feel like you're doing something wrong by opting for an induction at 39 weeks if you do end up going that route. Good luck to you...I'm sure you will figure out what's best for you...and who knows, maybe your baby will surprise you and come on it's own before that!


Posted at
I was induced with my first at 39w3d. I'm 34w2d right now and I would be so excited if I got induced again! It was great, I knew when I was having my baby I was prepared and wasn't worried about anything. I went in at 6am and had her at 4:22pm. Being induced intensifies the pain but in my opinion it is so worth it


Posted at
I've had three inductions and this will be my fourth. I've had three, positive experiences, not a lot of pain. Strong contractions only when I was 9 cm which is normal. I love knowing when is going to happen and my kids are taken care of, no rushing no craziness.


Posted at
I was really anti induction due to fear of pain, long labor, etc. but ended up being induced with my second baby at 40 +3 and I actually had a really positive, peaceful experience. I went in at 5am and my son was born at 11:24am. Maybe my body was just really ready because I was already overdue but I definitely didn't have a bad experience with pitocin or anything else. Every labor is different for every woman so good luck with whatever you decide!


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I wouldnt. Natural is the way to go


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The end of pregnancy is hard. But baby really needs all the time he can get. Your baby would probably be fine. But do you really want to be responsible if he's not and ends up going to the nicu?


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I had 2 great Induction experiences and will be induced again a had a second tri MC and labored that natural and it was worse than my 2 inductions