AF due 4/6, negative tests, does anyone else see this?

it's really hard to take a picture of, my boyfriend and I had sex March 11-13 multiple times in which we didn't use bc or protection and I usually use a VCF (3 hour spermicide) since then I haven't felt the same and now I am three days late yet I keep getting negative tests. I understand they are cheap and it might be too early and I am eager to know so I can start taking prenatal vitamins and do the right thing. I have thought I've had pregnancy scares before but nothing compared to this. extreme nausea, extremely exhausted, sore boobs, food cravings and aversions, headaches, mood swings, been breaking out as well as sneezing way too often and im not sick. I just feel awful, miserable and I've never felt like this before. I know my body and was an athlete in school, recently graduated 20 years old, what do you guys think? I know I may be young but I am kind of hoping for it to be positive.. my boyfriend and I are in a serious and committed relationship and we're ready to start our lives together. this was not planned. my period in March did end the 11 which is the first of a few days we had sex. thanks guys! comment what you think, it's much appreciated and sort of would like some clarity/: