Am i wrong

My fiance lives 3 hrs away and he gets his impacted wisdom tooth pulled this weekend and i suggested since i have my license i could drive him there and back especially if they put him under anastesia so his mom wont have to take off .so i talked  to his mom she shes gonna think about lettin me come over this weekend because his grandma is going to be staying there. She havent told us yes or no if i can come over and yesterday my mom tells me out the blue she starts working. Now i may have to stay here in michgan this weekend and get a car so i can have a guranteed way to to school. I will be there to see him next weekend tho (the 23rd) Im scared to tell him because he may think im being selfish or something ..ladies what do you think? Ps.if i cant take him his grandma can or his mom  
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It sounds ok to me. Just explain it to him nicely.