How to tell SO

Me and my SO have been together 6 years we are getting married in a year and a half. We have been TTC for 3 months officially but havnt used protection in a year. I think it's best to stop TTC until after the wedding financially we won't be able to afford a baby and to pay for our wedding & if we fall pregnant now i don't think we'd get married if we put it on hold. How would you break it to your SO without hurting his feelings that you think it's best to wait. We both would love a little one I don't want him to think this is me saying I don't want children anymore or that I don't want it as much I would still love to but I'm thinking realistically. If I did fall pregnant I would welcome it and figure out a way for it to work but while we still have options I think it would be sensible to wait anyone else been in this situation?