Need to vent, 33, 10 weeks pregnant and boyfriend buys his SISTER a diamond ring!!

Esther • November 2016 birth club

Need opinion because I am going crazy racking it in my head.

My partner and I have been together 2 yrs 3mths. I'm 10 weeks pregnant. We've always talked about getting married.

When I found out I was pregnant around 6weeks ago ok I didn't expect a proposal or anything, it's still early days. I don't even expect we get married during my pregnancy.

To put things in context, since I found out I'm pregnant I've been pretty disappointed and expect more, mostly from how he looks after me especially as the first 3mths a SO hard. I work full time in a high pressured investment banking job and have another child, 4 to look after full time as a single mum. I expected him, knowing what I went through the first time to be much more proactive than he is. We live separately so I'm pretty much doing it all alone again. It's hard. Men don't know just how tough pregnancy is and this time I'm going through it with another child to raise meaning less rest, the attention they demand is insane, nausea is insane this time round etc etc...anyway as with most women you just keep quiet and watch the man and continue. It hurts me because I know when he was married to the mother of his two kids he had a nanny from day 1 and didn't dare have her do it all alone with a child while pregnant with a second (so what my first is not his).

Yesterday I have lunch with his kids she says "don't tell anyone I told you, but Ross bought lorna THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND RING, agh, lorna nearly cried when she saw it"...I was like what?

She confirmed she thought it was for me when she first saw it. Apparently his mums idea to get his sister a present for all the help she has provided him building his house, managing the whole project etc...which is fine. I agree with the concept.

But hearing about it hurt for a few reasons.

Firstly hearing it from someone else. He must have done it a week or so ago and we have seen each other a few times and talked daily and even mentioned his sister so he has purposely kept it quiet and from me. The deception.

Secondly, I find it poor taste that I'm sitting there pregnant with his child and I get no free consideration how I'm coping (given what I explained with his wife having a nanny when she was pregnant with a second) yet he's swarming around buying another woman a diamond ring? Yes that woman is his sister but she is STILL another woman.

Thirdly that's too special a gift you reserve for the woman you're dealing with.

Fourthly who the fuck buys their married sister a diamond ring??? Of all the presents you could get, vouchers, clothing, shoes, spa day, holiday...

I JUST cannot help feeling it's an insult to me. So insensitive and disrespectful of him to not consider how I might feel hearing that.

I'm cool with buying your sister a gift. But why a diamond ring? And why while I'm pregnant? It's just poor taste and I just can't shake that feeling.

By the way the mum and sister don't know I'm pregnant yet as I'm still under 12 weeks. So I don't blame them at all. But I'm pretty much feeling I don't want to see him for the rest of the pregnancy. I know what I've suffered over the last weeks and he hasn't been there. Yet he's splashing out on diamond ring for another woman. If just sounds wrong wrong wrong no matter the intention. It's perception. And it's the keeping quiet about it, so he knows something wasn't 100% about it else he wouldn't keep it hidden until he was caught. I hate him. I feel like I'm being treated cheaply and it disgusts me.