Phantom Period??

So ever since 2 dpo, I've been feeling like my period has started or is about to come. It's April 11th now and my next cycle isn't until the 19th. I've been having cramping, bloating and back pain. It even felt like I had a light flow. But I think it's like air bubbles or something bc it's never anything there. Maybe a little cm but nothing out of the normal. I'm 6 dpo now and it's almost 7am and my cramps are moderately painful. Like day two of a crampy cycle. And I know that I cramp really bad on a normal period. These cramps are like the ones I don't have to take any meds for which is usually the 2nd day. And by day 3 I barely notice them. Anybody else who found out they were pregnant, ever have this? 
Also my boobs are a little tender. Like randomly. Not constantly to the point I can't touch them or it's unbearable. Like period symptom.