Niece pregnant AGAIN

C&G <3 • Whelp we are a comfy family of 4

Ok so first off I'm an ass and there is a lot more to this backstory(my sister a heavy drug addict, 5 kids 4 different dads, losing all kids to state, etc) then I'll be able to fit into this. But the short a year ago my niece came back from vegas claiming her boyfriend(child's dad) was abusive. She started hanging with her druggie mom and such. When the father followed she claimed he was stalking her but ended up he took her to court and was about to get custody of there daughter primary custody and her getting supervised visits and a no cotact order for the maternal grandmother (my sister).

We get a call last june that her and the baby daddy had been arrested for DV. She had no signs of domestics abuse and as much as we could get from the state was she was naked in bed with some boy in a house with no power but water the lil girl who was 5 was in the backyard and she called the baby daddy over and he caught them naked fucking a argument ensued she left NAKED in a car and he left to go find her while the boy she was sleeping with stayed long enough to call the police and then left the little girl ALONE.

So they both get arrested little girl is taken by the state and my niece begs a family member who cant have kids to take the little girl. As they are processing for temporary adoption she finds out this family member is NOT going to let her just jump in and out of the lil girls life but will follow the states visitation plan. When they told her this she basically baulked at it and stopped the temp adoption and the lil girl was put in a group home. The family member trying to adopt was DEVASTATED as was his mother, father and family he has always wanted kids but medically was unable. After home visits, passing all test, jumping through hoops, even the judge was rooting for him he was SO close and poof NOPE.

Almost a year later

So today my mom gets a message from my niece not only has she got her daughter back BUT she has also had another baby last week. I call the state first......

No she has NOT gotten her daughter back she has visitation yes she has had another child and he is in nicu for "undisclosed" reasons. The father to the little girl is fighting to get custody and have all DV charges thrown out and no one not even my niece knows who this lil boys dad is. My mother is a giving person to the point she'll bankrupt herself. I KNOW why my niece is calling and especially lying. What i don't know how to do is wake my mom up from the day dream that my niece is doing better. I have made a gifts bag for baby NOT mom diapers, wipes, can of formula, an outfit, bottles, socks and a blanket and thats it. NO MONEY but my mom is already trying to get a card of money together like REALLY? I am to the point i loathe my sister and fast coming to hate my niece. My mom has a terminal illness stress causes flare ups SHE IS 65 and cannot handle this. And my niece has told her...well if you were a better mom to mine we wouldn't be here FUCKING guilting her. 😠😬😠😡

Does anyone have some advice ideas or have had this happen? Something cause I'm at a loss! I love my mom this is NOT her fault she has 2 GREAT kids me and my bro are wonderful adults wtf happen to my sister i do NOT know. I can't make her see that not everyone deserves pity or a handout. And fuck this baby might be going through DTs! I'm terrified to visit in case they think i do drugs too and start monitoring me and my baby! Fucking guilty by association or maybe that is pregnancy hormones making me paranoid. I'm just lost and confused on this one.