A book by its cover. (Just a story)


I just returned from my wife's work to bring her her lunch she forgot. We've had a shitty morning between that, the car messing up and the power going off while she was mid shower (thank God we had extra water from the last storm saved up).

So I get there and I'm piddling around looking at the walls (she works at a Gamestop). I'm fairly close to the counter and hear "I'm sorry but when something comes to mind I have to say something". I turn around to see what I can only assume is a skinhead, which isn't uncommon around here, talking to her. Shaved head, swastika bicep tattoo partially under a sleeve and all. Then he says "I'm an empath and I just wanted to tell you you're a unique person, if anyone ever tells you otherwise don't listen to them. You're very brave. Thank you." And he walks out with this stuff.

We just kind of looked at each other. As some of you might know my wife is mTf and she is also a POC. I'm still shocked but I guess I shouldn't be, he could be a recovery and tattoo removal is expensive. Or maybe just another kid who grew up being pressured by his horrid family, as I said, they're not uncommon here. He sounded so sincere though and he looked so terrifying, I really thought he was about to insult her or worse. It got to me.

Anyway... Hope everyone else is having a good day?