Constantly irritated

My fiancé just keeps making me mad over everything. There's times I feel like he's controlling and he always holds things over my head, like the fact that my parents bought be my first car and how he doesn't have stuff handed to him. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal, but I'm so emotionally exhausted because we fight every day. Last week he told me I was rubbing it in his face because I was eating with my mom and aunt after my sisters dance competition in Kc and he was at home and he said how he would bring me something back if it was him but obviously that's where we're different. The only reason I said anything is because he asked and he wasn't there because he had to work and was off before we made it home and this whole thing happened at like 3 when he got off at 1. Then he said "we'll I didn't know it was going to take all day". Idk what to do. A couple months after we were first dating and I tried to break up with him he was so upset he was sobbing and puking and I'm afraid of how it will be this time if we do break up. He's always taking low blows at me and then blames it on being mad and says he's sorry within a couple minutes Of blowing up. He also throws and hits stuff when he's mad; not me, but it still freaks me out a little