Boyfriend getting pregnancy brain xD

Tanaika • 22 years old and pregnant with our first baby due October 2nd 2016

It just took us 2 DAYS to find our margarine, really thought it was me who lost it even though I specifically remembered putting it boyfriend had made a 'baked' potato and I guess after putting the marg' on it he put it in the microwave instead of the fridge and we were seriously stumped on where it went (even tried to check the garbage just to have the mystery solved lmao!) until just now when he got back from the store with a new container of it to make more potatoes and opened the microwave up xD

I'm seriously dying of laughter! I felt so bad thinking if this is what I'm like now how bad is it gonna get in a couple months?! And I'm totally innocent xD

Anybody else have funny pregnancy brain stories? :)