Need some opinions

Hi all, 
This is not TTC related. It's about my marriage. I need some advice and this seemed like the right place to go.. A background on my situation: 
I met my now husband when I was 12 and he was 14 we "dated" from 14 on with some break ups here and there. He was a good teenager and is a good person, we are both each others first and only for sex. I'm now 26 and he's 28. We've been living together since I was 18. He is ridiculously smart and graduated with an engineering degree without studying or putting much effort in. He then couldn't find a job in engineering because he rarely applied to jobs, I applied for him and he ended up working as a secretary at my dad's law firm. He hated it and went to law school, passed the bar exam (without studying) and has now worked at my step-dads firm through law school and after graduating in 2013. He is able to work from home and we've had huge arguments in the past about his lack of hours.. For example.. In 2014 there would be weeks where he had 10 hours maximum for work. It was less of a concern at the time because I was in graduate school. I started working in late 2014 full time and currently work 45-50 hours a week. He works about 30 hours average, and spends the other hours on computer video games. He is self proclaimed lazy and he is now obese. He could work 60 hours (or even 40 of he wanted to) but chooses not to.  
The biggest issue has been that he compares the money we make versus the hours spent working. I ask and expect him to do things like clean the cat pan and make dinner, and he often gets defensive and says that I chose a job where I make $20 and hour and he shouldn't be punished for his choice of working from home and making $35 an hour. I feel that he should handle a majority of the house work due to his amount of hours worked, he disagrees. 
In all honesty I'm losing respect for him more and more each day, as I realize he's never going to change. I love his sense humor and the fun we can have, but I often feel alone in the relationship and that I have to handle most of the responsibility. Maybe I am asking too much, and I know I have enabled his behavior too, I don't know if there is any hope for change at this point. Thank you for listening to me vent, if you have any comments or recommendations that would be appreciated.