Implant weight gain

I've had the implant for about two years now and I am having it taken out in two weeks. It worked great for me for the two years I've had it but three months ago I started gaining weight and have gained almost thirty pounds in that time. My period has been coming every two weeks, with spotting in between periods. I am aware that this is caused by the excess amount of estrogen from the progesterone. I need to make a decision about what method I want to use next, but I'm terrified that I'll continue to gain weight. I've looked into the pill that allows you to get your period once every three months. Anyone have that pill or can recommend a pill that's worked great for them? I am not interested in paragard either.
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Spotting is caused from a lack of oestrogen from the implant, as it is a progestin only method.Also, the weight gain is directly from the implant.It can cause an increase in appetite and water retention. Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly should combat this.If you're looking at the pill, you have the combination method and the POP.POP is essentially the same thing as the implant, just in pill form, it's progestin only, and also has no break week.The combination pill contains both oestrogen and progestin and also has a 7 day break week.You could also look at the dermal patch or even Nuvaring, both are combination methods.If you aren't interested in the Paraguard, have you ever thought about Mirena/Skyla? Both these IUDs contain the same or a similar progestin to the implant.


Mash🌸 • Apr 12, 2016
*weight gain is not directly from