Excessive bleeding (26 days and counting!!!)

I took out mirena about two weeks ago. I had Skyla for two years before switching to Mirena in August. The reason why I took it out was because I was experiencing ovarian cysts and it was becoming extremely painfully, and after having a talk with my doctor, we decided to take it out
Well, I had been on my period the week before I got it taken out, and it was it's lighter days, sort of like the really dark, brown discharge type. Well, it wyickly changed to clotting, which I expected to happen after I got
It taken out. Well, the bleeding stopped for just a couple hours, enough for my boyfriend and I to get a quick one in. Since we didn't use any birth control, we got plan b, which made the bleeding turn from dark ruby to bright, cardigan red blood. It's not thick at all and I have to use a back up panty liner when ever I use a tampon. Is that normal? Should I call my doctor?