Trying not to let it get to me

My husbands ex (my husband and I have been together for 6 years. We were broken up before being married from Nov. 2014 to June 2015.) in that time he dated a woman who was and still is legally married (just seperated) and she has 3 kids with her husband. A month after being together with my husband she got pregnant. He swears it was not planned and he was under the impression she couldn't have any more children. She refused to allow any of his family at the hospital when the child was born, did not put my husband on the birth certificate, and gave the child her husbands last name. Needless to say we have no rights to that child and that is fine by me because she is one that would call CPS every time the child came back from our home. She took out a tpo on me saying she thought I would kidnap her kid all because I had a room set up for him in my house!  Anyways we worked things out in June of 2015 and after going through something like that we both realized real quickly that we wanted to spend our lives together. We got married in October of 2015 and conceived our first child together this past January. She still has pictures of him up on her Facebook thought and it bothers the mess out of me. I don't want to report it because then she'll know she's getting to me. Just wondering if any of you ladies have gone through something similar. She still has pictures of him and her kids up even. It's insane and it's breaking my heart but he tells me that's exactly what she wants to not let her win but I feel like after 10 months she would be over it all at this point. Seeing these just kills me and makes me wonder if she still has hope that they'll get back together.