Am I right to be a little annoyed!?

So my husband works an office job, 8-5, monday - Friday - doesn't get home until 7 due to traffic. I work 20-30 hours away varied shifts including nights and weekends so sometimes when he is home I'm at work so all in all we don't actually spend that much time together. I'm always super super excited for him to get home cuz I'm so lonely. Anwuasblast week he went on his first business trip leaving me alone for 3 days, and the day before he was coming home I actually went to another country to visit my family for 3 weeks (of course I am still here for another 2 weeks) considering we weren't going to see each other for almost a month and then the week before I worke a lot of evening shifts I asked him if it would be possible for him to take a half day off work the day before he left for his business trip so we can hang out and he said he wasn't able to becuase he doesn't want to use his vacation/sick time so I'm like ok fair enough .. Well turns out today he took the WHOLE day off becuase a new Xbox game comes out and he got it and wants to play it all day! Obviously I am still on my vacation and idk I'm just mad that he can take a whole day off becuase of his video game but won't take half a day off to hang out with me! I wouldn't be upset on a normal case and I I wouldn't ever normally ask him to take time off but under the circumstances he could of taken a half day to hang out! I fellow it's really petty and I haven't left him know how I feel! Am I over reacting? Should I say something to him?