Anyone else feel baby at 15 weeks?

Okay, so something crazy happened last night. Lol. I was in the shower and I had a pain in my lower right side below my belly bump and I rubbed where it hurt and it freaked me out because there was a lump there that has never been there before and isn't there on the other side and I was telling my husband I had a lump that isn't normal and then it moved and went away when I rubbed and pushed on it! Like, I felt it move and then it wasn't there anymore. I'm pretty sure baby had curled in  ball right there, she did that when we were having the ultra sound done, she curls into a ball and squeezes herself into the corner on that side. It's way early to feel her but I think I just happened to rub my belly right when she pushed right there. It was crazy! I feel like a crazy person because I feel like it is way too early to have felt her.