I need advice

I ended a long term relationship with my boyfriend I lived with 9 weeks ago it had been something I knew needed to happen for a while but I wanted to try my hardest to try and fix things before I ended it . That obviously did not make it any easier and I truly did not want to have to end things but his behavior gave me no choice . I know him very well and I knew when I ended things he would find someone very quick after because he's one of those guys who can't be alone and face himself so he rebounded within a few weeks . Looking back and after talking out everything in therapy the past few months I realize I was in a relationship with a narcissist which is a personality disorder and our relationship was emotionally and mentally abusive . I have had a really hard time processing everything and how cold he was to me and how quickly he moved on even though I knew he would . He would withhold sex and emotional intimacy when he felt us getting closer because he has this fear of abandonment and has a hard being vulnerable . Is it normal because of all of this that I am really afraid to have sex again and I'm terrified to date or allow myself to have feelings for someone ? It's only been a little over two months but I've never struggled this much to move on. I guess I just want to know if this is normal ?