I don't want to ttc anymore!!!!!!

Jennifer • Ttc 18 cycles now. Post vasectomy reversal.
Now don't get me wrong I still want another child. We have been trying for 15 month so this rant is overdue.  I don't want to ... Get up at 6 every morning to take my temp, pee on a stick ever again, buy another pack of those stupid money wasters, hear another friend is pregnant and have to fake like I am fine, have sex because it's on the schedule, check my cm (can I just go to the bathroom for normal reasons)!!
​I want to delete this app (and the other ttc apps). I want to not think about my fertile window as if it's D day. And I never want to see AF again (or at least 9 mo). Just let me pee on one more hcg stick and have two lines appear so I can get off this ttc train. Anyone else have something to add?