Why can't good mothers become a mother, God?

I am just so tired of trying I took a test yesterday and today at 9 dpo and 10 dpo I Know it's still 6 and 5 days early but I see so many people on here who get faint lines at that time so I couldn't help my self. Why can't I just get a faint line? No nothing.....I just want to ball my eyes out I am physically and emotionally drained!!!!! And I'm just so depressed because I know I'm going to wake up to my period on Monday. Happens every time I feel like getting a positive has become a fairy tale sometimes I dream about what I'd do if it did show positive I'd probably pass out from shock. I do everything I'm suppose to so why?! Everyone around me is having babies,people who don't even want kids. Why god why do u give the people who do wrong and make horrible parents fertile and continue to give them miracles!? I don't get it I pray and I pray and I have turned my life around health wise for this I have NEVER been able to change my diet but as soon as I wanted a baby I did it no problem like it was just a switch I flipped on. I have always been a good nurturer I am the only person in my family to get married and not have a child in highschool. And everyone in my family has ALWAYS pushed there kids on me to take care of but I didn't mind I loved it! Even with my new family my in laws my SIL was drinking and partying every night after some deaths very close to her so me and my husband literally housed and took care of my niece for a few months then she got better and found a man and took her back from us. And guess what she's getting married and they are going to try for a baby!!!! And I know she's going to get pregnant quick and way before me if I have to endure an announcement from them and I'm not pregnant yet I will probably shoot myself. Run out the door in tears and never come back . Sorry just had to get it out....