Sternum hurts

Rossie • Baby👣👣 #2, wasn't planned but am gonna love 💞💞💞 you regardles 💋💋

I have been getting aches and pain in my center breast bone at most times it's mild but last night it woke me up from sleep. I spoke to my doc about it and he told me a lot of women complain about it during pregnancy as the cartilage in the sternum sometimes tend to get soft he put me on extra calcium tablets. Dam this is pain full at times cant open up my hands to wide or else it hurts, trying to get off the bed and it hurts 😢😢.

I stayed up for almost 2hrs last night crying with pain, while my husband was next to me sad as he don't like seeing me in pain. I took 2 paracetamol which help me go back to sleep. I was so scared last night, not much because of the pain but the fact that my husband has to do a week of sea patrol and I wouldn't see him in 5 days and being along in the house and I am also on strict bedrest that made me cry a lot last night because I was wondering if something like that happened again and on one is there to help me 😨😟.

After seeing me last night my husband called his boss this morning and told him he refuse to leave his wife alone on bedrest after the pain she was in last night. I felt a relief I don't need to worry so much. Do any of you ladies get aches in that area.