I am so scared! Can someone help!

Erica • 💕💕FTM pregnant with a baby girl, due May 1, 2016💕💕
Well I've such a rough pregnancy and have been on bedrest since 18 weeks of pregnancy. I'm currently 37 weeks and will be 38 weeks on Sunday. The thing in scared about is my c-section. I have to have it because j won't be able to deliver her vaginally due to my placenta blocking cervix. 😩 I've been suffering with placenta pervia the whole pregnacy along with other things and was hoping it would move in time but it didn't. I'm just sad because I really wanted a vaginal birth. 
Anyway I'm like super scared of the c-section. I've never had any surgery done before in my life. I'm scared I'll be in so much pain after I wont get to enjoy my baby like I want. I'm scared that I won't be able to move around a long time because of it. The pain potential scares me I'm just a nervous reck now. It's stressing me out so much. 😩😭
Anyone. Have a c-section can tell me what's it like?