Don't know what to do

I've been with my bf for 9 months and I don't know if I should be in this relationship anymore. It could be my depression making me think this but I feel like I'm a secert to him. I haven't met his family except his mom and that's only cause I told him I wouldn't stay in the car when it goes into her house. I haven't met his friends when he does family things he never includes me he doesn't hold my hand or even walk close to me in public I feel like he's embarrassed by me or something..I've talked to him about this and he says he's not embarrassed by me and he promises me ill meet his family and that he wants me too except that EVERYTIME we plan on it something comes up and I mean EVERYTIME..we could plan it for months in advance and nothing will come up that whole time and even the day before he will say he will see me the next day and then the day comes and bam something came up and can't do it..idk if I should keep going with this relationship or just cut ties and move on